Friday, August 29, 2014


It's been so wonderful having our sweet boy home for almost a month and a half. We have had no issues adjusting to life at home...

Here are a few things you missed:

-Jett's 1/4 liter of oxygen has been removed and he breathes the same air you and I do!

-He can smile and LAUGH too!

-He enjoys car rides, listening to music, being outside and a lot of attention.

-Jett eats anywhere from 4-6oz of milk every 3 hours and can sleep through the night now (relief)!

-Jett's grown out of his preemie clothes and is about to outgrow his newborn wardrobe...what happened to my little 5 pounder?!

-He is....(drumroll please) currently 8lbs 5oz and 22inches long!

-He no longer likes his pacifier, but loves to naw on his fingers (possibly teething, all the signs are there, no teethers yet).

-He can sit up with help and holds his head without assistance.

-Almost rolling close!

-Jett makes an attempt to stand up but is no where near walking yet.

-He loves water and bath time, we let him float on his back and kick his feet in the tubby (he starts swimming lessons for infants this fall)!

I could go on and on, but our little Jett, who we thought would never make it home, has. And he's thriving and living a beautiful life!

Thank you to everyone who has followed our four month NICU journey and to those who sent out daily prayers and positive thoughts. We made it!